Aliya-by-Aliya Pesach 5760

First Day of Pesach

First Torah - five people, 31 p'sukim

Sh'mot 12:21-51 (Parshat BO)

This portion is the continuation of what we read on Shabbat HaChodesh. It contains the actual procedures to be followed in the bringing of the Korban Pesach, the account of the night of the tenth plague, the Exodus, the Exodus-Matza connection, reference to Leil Shimurim, and mitzvot related to K.P.

Second Torah - the Maftir, 10 p'sukim

Bamidbar 28:16-25 (Pinchas)

Contains the Korban Musaf of Pesach. Begins with Korban Pesach on the 14th and repetition of the "command" to eat matza for seven days.

Haftara: Yehoshua 5:2-6:1 - 15 verses

The Torah tells us of Pesach Mitzrayim, and then of the first annual Pesach. After that, KP was not brought for the duration of the time in the Midbar. The haftara tells of the mass circumcision at Gilgal of the males who were below military age when we came out of Egypt and those born in the Midbar. Following the Mila (which is a prerequisite of KP), the first Pesach in Eretz Yisrael was observed. The Manna ceased and the new People of Israel ate from the harvest of the Land for the first time. Yehoshua meets an angel and is about to begin to preparation for battle against Yericho, the first step in conquering the Land.

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 114

Second day (Friday Chol HaMoed)

First Torah - 3 people, 52 p'sukim

Vayikra 22:26-23:44 (EMOR)

The bulk of the reading is The Festival Portion, chapter 23 in Vayikra. It deals with the entire cycle of holidays, all of which revolve around Pesach, all of which in some way commemorate the Exodus. The reading contains the mitzva of the Omer which was brought on the second day of Pseach. Perfect timing. The Festival Portion is preceded by several p'sukim that deal with sacrifices and with the mitzvot of Kiddush HaShem. Reference is made to G-d's taking us out of Egypt - definitely part of the reason for "adding" this to the Festival portion.

Second Torah - 4th Aliya, 7 p'sukim

Bamidbar 28:19-25 (Pinchas)

Contains just the Musaf of Pseach, without the first 3 p'sukim read on the first day only.

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 78

Third day - Shabbat Chol HaMoed

Many shuls follow the custom of reading Shir HaShirim before Torah reading on Shabbat Chol HaMoed. When it is read from a kosher megila scroll, two brachot are recited: AL MIKRA MEGILA and SHE'HE'CHE'YANU. The love between G-d and Israel is the theme of Shir HaShirim. That love was forged in Egypt.

First Torah - seven people, 38 p'sukim

Sh'mot 33:12-34-26 (from KI TISA)

Deals with the Moshe Rabeinu on Har Sinai following the sin of the Golden Calf, when he asks G-d to reveal Himself to him. G-d teaches Moshe the 13 Divine Attributes and the second Luchot are hewn and engraved. The portion concludes with the three Pilgrimage Festivals, with a prime focus on Pesach.

2nd Torah - the Maftir - same as day 2

Haftara: Yechezkel 37:1-14 - 14 p'sukim

The haftara contains the prophecy of the Valley of the Dry Bones. It teaches us that Jews scattered in exile and spiritually "dead" can and will be restored to life and returned to their Land. This happened with the Jews in Egypt and will happen at the time of the Final Redemption.

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 92

Fourth day (Sunday Chol HaMoed)

First Torah - three people, 16 p'sukim

Sh'mot 13:1-16 (Parshat BO)

This is the continuation of the reading of the first day of Pseach. It consists of two parshiot known as KADEISH and V'HAYA KI Y'VI'ACHA, which join the first two portions of the Sh'ma as the four parshiot in T'filin. The reading contains the mitzvot of the sanctity of firstborns, which derives from the events in Mitzrayim. Extensive reference to Pesach is also found here.

2nd Torah - 4th Aliya, same as day 2

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 80

Fifth day (Monday Chol HaMoed)

First Torah - three people, 26 p'sukim

Sh'mot 22:24-23:19 (MISHPATIM)

This portion contains many mitzvot including those related to the Three Festivals. The opening mitzvot of this portion deal with Tzedaka. This is particularly appropriate in light of the practice of KIMCHA D'PISCHA, providing for the Pseach needs of the poor.

2nd Torah - 4th Aliya, same as day 2

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 105

Sixth day (Tuesday Chol HaMoed)

First Torah - three people, 14 p'sukim

Bamidbar 9:1-14 (B'HAALOT'CHA)

This portion deals with the first (and only) Korban Pseach brought in the Wilderness. It also contains the mitzvot of Pesach Sheni.

2nd Torah - 4th Aliya, same as day 2

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 135

Seventh day of Pesach

First Torah - five people, 63 p'sukim

Sh'mot 13:17-15:26 (from B'SHALACH)

This reading is the continuation of the reading from the fourth day, which was a continuation of the first day, which was a continuation of Parshat HaChodesh. This portion contains the events immediately following Y'tzi'at Mitzrayim, mainly the Splitting of the Sea the drowning of the Egyptians, and the Song of the Sea - AZ YASHIR. Our tradition is that it was on the seventh day of Pesach that we crossed Yam Suf.

2nd Torah - 4th Aliya, same as day 2

Psalm of the day (Vilna Gaon): 18

Haftara: 2 Shmuel 22:1-51 - 51 p'sukim

This chapter is the Song of King David. It is written in exactly the same special style as AZ YASHIR is written in a Torah scroll. The haftara for the final day of Pesach is the exultant hymn of thanksgiving to G-d. On gets the sense, when following Torah with Haftara of B'CHOL DOR VADOR - in every generation...