2,846. If the Husband Changes His Mind

Hilchos Nedarim 13:19

If a man mentally affirms his wife’s vow, it is affirmed. If he mentally annuls it, it is not annulled, as has already been discussed. Accordingly, if he annuls a vow mentally, he can still change his mind and affirm it. However, if he affirmed the vow mentally, he may no longer change his mind and annul it unless he does so immediately after the affirmation. This is permitted so that what one thinks shouldn’t be more significant than what he says.

Hilchos Nedarim 13:20

If a man affirms his daughter or his wife’s vows and later changes his mind, he can approach a Torah scholar to absolve his affirmation, after which he can retract and annul the vow that day. Conversely, if he annuls her vow and later changes his mind, he can’t have a scholar absolve it in order to retract and affirm the vow.