2,806. Vowing Not to Benefit From Non-Jews

Hilchos Nedarim 9:22

If someone vows not to benefit from uncircumcised people, he may not benefit from circumcised non-Jews but he may benefit from uncircumcised Jews. If he vows not to benefit from circumcised people, he may not benefit from uncircumcised Jews but he may benefit from circumcised non-Jews. This is because the foreskin is associated with non-Jews, as per Jeremiah 9:25, “Because all the nations are uncircumcised.” This only refers to those who are commanded to circumcise, not to those who weren’t commanded to do so.

Hilchos Nedarim 9:23

If someone vows not to benefit from the Jewish people, he may not benefit from converts; if he vows not to benefit from converts, he may benefit from those born Jewish. If someone vows not to benefit from Israelites, he may not benefit from kohanim and Leviim; if he vows not to benefit from kohanim and Leviim, he may benefit from Israelites. If he vows not to benefit from kohanim, he may benefit from Leviim; if he vows not to benefit from Leviim, he may benefit from kohanim. If he vows not to benefit from his sons, he may benefit from his grandsons. In all these cases and in similar ones, the laws are the same for those who vow and for those who make oaths.