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Peah 4:6-7

Peah 4:6

If a non-Jew harvested his own field and then converted to Judaism, he need not give leket, shich’cha or peah from what he harvested. Rabbi Yehuda requires him to give shich’cha (the forgotten sheaf) because one becomes liable for shich’cha at the time of binding the sheaves, which comes later.

Peah 4:7

If a person consecrated standing grain to the Temple and redeemed standing grain, he would be obligated in leket, shich’cha and peah when he harvests. If he consecrated sheaves and redeemed sheaves, he is likewise obligated. If he consecrated standing grain and redeemed sheaves, he is exempt because the grain was consecrated and not his property when it would have become liable in these gifts to the needy.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz