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Demai 7:6-7

Demai 7:6

If there are two baskets of untithed produce and the owner declares, “The tithes of this basket are in that basket,” then the first basket is tithed. If he says, “The tithes of this basket are in that basket and the tithes of that basket are in this basket,” the first is tithed but the second isn’t. (This is because the first part of his statement effectively tithes the first basket, so tithes can no longer be taken from it.) If he says, “The tithes of each basket are in the other basket,” he has designated both of them, so they may no longer be tithed from other produce.

Demai 7:7

If there are 100 parts untithed produce (tevel) mixed with 100 parts tithed produce, the owner must separate 101 parts. (This must invariably contain at least 1 untithed item, which he can then designate as terumas maaser.) If there are 100 parts tithed produce mixed with 100 parts tithes (maaser), he must separate 110 parts (ten of which will serve as terumas maaser). If there are 100 parts tevel with 90 parts maaser, or 90 parts tevel with 80 parts maaser, he loses nothing. (In such a case, the owner simply gives the kohein ten parts as terumas maaser.) The general principle is that one does not lose anything in a case where the portions of tevel are in the majority.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz