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Demai 7:4-5

Demai 7:4

If a person buys untithed wine from Samaritans but he forgot to tithe it before Shabbos, he declares two log that he will separate to be terumah, ten log to be maaser, and nine to be maaser sheini that he will redeem. He can then drink.

Demai 7:5

If a person had untithed figs at home but he was elsewhere (and unable to get home to tithe them before Shabbos), he says, “Two that I will separate are terumah, ten are maaser rishon and nine are maaser sheini.” If the figs are demai (questionably tithed), he says, “What I will separate tomorrow is maaser. Adjoining that is the rest of the maaser. What I called maaser will serve as terumas maaser for it. The maaser sheini is north – or south – of that, and I redeem it with money.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz