2,708. The Torah Obligation to Take Oaths
Hilchos Shevuos 10:19
We see that all oaths that are taken after the witnesses deny having information in court are cases of denial that would not result in the defendant being obligated to pay. Accordingly, the witnesses aren’t liable for an oath of testimony but they are liable for an oath of expression, as has been discussed.
Hilchos Shevuos 11:1
Just like there’s a Torah prohibition against taking an oath in vain and making a false oath, there’s likewise an obligation for one who must take an oath in court to do so in God’s name. Deuteronomy 6:13 tells us, “You shall take an oath in His name,” which is a Torah obligation because taking an oath in God’s name is a means of serving Him. There is a great degree of glorifying and sanctifying God involved in taking an oath in His name.