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Terumos 5:2-3

Terumos 5:2

If a seah of ritually unclean terumah fell into 100 of ritually clean chullin, Rabbi Eliezer says that terumah must be taken from the mixture and then burned (as is done with ritually unclean terumah) because the seah of terumah that is removed from the mixture is halachically identical to the seah of terumah that fell in. The Sages disagree; they say it is cancelled out by the 100 parts of chullin and should be eaten by the kohanim in the form of petit four, roasted, kneaded with fruit juices, or divided among different loaves of dough so that no one of them contains an egg-sized portion of the mixture – strategies that would not convey uncleanliness as explained in Mishna 5:1.

Terumos 5:3

If a seah of ritually clean terumah fell into 100 of ritually unclean chullin, it is cancelled out and should be eaten by the kohanim in the form of petit four, roasted, kneaded with fruit juices, or divided among different loaves of dough so that no one of them contains an egg-sized portion of the mixture.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz