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Terumos 5:4-5

Terumos 5:4

Let’s say that a seah of ritually unclean terumah fell into 100 of ritually clean terumah (as opposed to chullin in the previous scenarios). Beis Shammai prohibit the mixture but Beis Hillel permit it. (The difference of opinion is based on the question of whether the 100-to-1 ratio only cancels terumah status in chullin, or does it also cancel ritual impurity in purity?) Beis Hillel say, “since the ritually clean terumah is forbidden to non-kohanim and the ritually unclean is forbidden to kohanim, just as the clean is canceled in 100-to-1 (when it falls is to chullin), so is the unclean canceled in 100-to-1.” Beis Shammai say, “Just because 100-to-1 works for chullin – in which we are lenient – to cancel out clean produce, that doesn’t mean that 100-to-1 works for terumah – in which we are stringent – to cancel out unclean produce.” Beis Hillel ultimately persuaded Beis Shammai to accept their logic, after which Rabbi Eliezer said that terumah must be taken from such a mixture. The Sages say that this is unnecessary because it’s such a small percentage of the mixture.

Terumos 5:5

Let’s say that a seah of terumah fell into 100 seah of chullin, then the owner removed a seah to give to a kohein and it fell into different chullin. Rabbi Eliezer says that just as pure, unadulterated terumah renders chullin medumah (a mixture forbidden to non-kohanim), so does this mixture. The Sages say that this mixture can only create medumah based on the percentage of original terumah in the mixture.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz