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Terumos 7:1-2

Terumos 7:1

If a person eats terumah intentionally, he repays its value but not an extra fifth. In such a case, what he repays is chullin (non-sanctified food) rather than terumah. If the kohein wishes to turn down this payment, he may.

Terumos 7:2

If a kohein’s daughter marries a non-kohein (which causes her to lose the ability to eat terumah) and she later eats terumah, she must repay the value but not the fifth (because she’s still a kohein’s daughter and not a “stranger”). Similarly, if convicted of adultery, her execution is burning, the punishment of a kohein’s daughter, even though she’s married to a non-kohein. If she marries someone who permanently disqualifies her from eating terumah and then she ate terumah, she does repay the value plus a fifth. In such a case, if she commits adultery, the penalty is strangulation, the punishment given to other women; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. The Sages say that regardless of who she marries, she doesn’t repay the extra fifth and, if she commits adultery, the penalty is always burning.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz