Siman - Pesachim Daf 111

  • שלשה אין ממצעין

The Gemara brings a Baraisa that says: שלשה אין ממצעין– There are three things that we may not allow to pass between, which the Rashbam explains means that one of these three things may not pass between two men, ולא מתמצעין - and we may not pass between them. ואלו הן הכלב והדקל והאשה – And these are they: the dog, the palm tree, and the woman. וי''א אף החזיר וי''א אף הנחש – And some say: also the pig, and some say: also the snake.

Rav Pappa [as explained by Rashbam] states that if one of these does pass between, one should say a series of pesukim that begin and end with either the word קל – God or לא – no. This is a reference to pesukim in Parshas Balak where Bilaam blesses bnei Yisroel and states that no harm will come to them and that they are worthy of berachah because there are no diviners or soothsayers among them. 

  • Dangers of a Palm Tree

The Gemara discusses a number of other ways in which a דקלא – palm tree can endanger a person, including the following, which Rebbe Yitzchak taught:מאי דכתיב גם כי אלך בגיא צלמות לא אירא רע כי אתה עמדי – What is [the meaning of] that which is written, Though I walk in the valley overshadowed by death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me?” זה הישן בצל דקל יחידי ובצל לבנה – This is [a reference to] one who sleeps in the shade of a lone palm tree or in the shade of the moon.

The Gemara explains that it is only dangerous to sleep in the shade of a lone palm tree if there is no nearby palm tree whose shadow falls on the first one. [Rashbam explains that a demon lurking under a palm tree will move to another one that is nearby rather than harm someone who sleeps under the first tree.] The Gemara then proves that this is only true in a field. In a courtyard, on the other hand, it is always dangerous to sleep under a lone palm tree. [Rashbam explains that if there is no room for the demon to leave because it is enclosed in the courtyard, it remains beneath the palm tree and harms the person.]


The Gemara teaches that there are two קטב demons, and each one is active during a different half of the day. דמקמי טיהרא קטב מרירי שמו – The name of the one that [is active] before noontime is “Ketev Meriri,and דבתר טיהרא קטב ישוד צהרים שמו – the name of the one that [is active] after noontime is “Ketev Yashud Tzaharayim.”

Once when Abaye was going along with Rav Pappa on his right side and Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua on his left side, he saw a Ketev Meriri demon coming towards him on his left side, towards Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua. Abaye switched Rav Pappa to his left side and put Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua on his right. When Rav Pappa asked Abaye why he was placed in harm’s way and Abaye seemingly had no concern for him, Abaye responded, את שעתא קיימת לך – The times are propitious for you. The Rashbam explains that Abaye meant that since Rav Pappa was wealthy and blessed with good fortune, he will not be harmed by a demon.