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Shabbos 10:6-11:1

Shabbos 10:6

If a person cuts his fingernails using the nails of his other hand or his teeth, or if he plucks his hair or facial hair, or if a woman braids her hair, colors her eyes or parts her hair, Rabbi Eliezer says they are liable but the Sages exempt because these things are not labors per se; they were only prohibited as not in the spirit of Shabbos. If a person plucks a plant from a perforated flower pot, he is liable; from a non-perforated flower pot, he is exempt. Rabbi Shimon exempts in both cases.

Shabbos 11:1

If a person throws something from the private domain to the public domain or vice versa, he is liable. If he throws from one private domain to another but the object passes through a public domain, Rabbi Akiva says he is liable but the Sages say he is exempt.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz