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Taanis 2:4-5

Taanis 2:4

The conclusion to the first blessing is "May the One Who answered Avraham on Mount Moriah answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Redeemer of Israel." The conclusion to the second is "May the One Who answered our ancestors at the Red Sea answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who recalls the forgotten." The conclusion to the third is "May the One Who answered Yehoshua in Gilgal answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who hears the shofar. The conclusion to the fourth blessing is "May the One Who answered Shmuel in Mitzpah answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who hears our cry." The conclusion to the fifth is "May the One Who answered Eliyahu on Mount Carmel answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who hears prayer." The conclusion to the sixth blessing is "May the One Who answered Yonah in the bowels of the fish answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who answers in times of trouble." The conclusion to the seventh blessing is "May the One Who answered Dovid and his son Shlomo in Jerusalem answer you and heed your cry this day. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who has compassion on the land." [Seven blessings? Didn't we say that only six were added? That is correct: the blessings referred to here as #2-7 are the six additional blessings. The first is an extended version of the usual blessing of Goeil Yisroel - that God redeems Israel.]

Taanis 2:5

It happened in the days of Rabbi Chalafta and Rabbi Chananya ben Teradyon that the one leading the service completed the entire blessing without anyone answering Amen. Rather, someone directed the kohanim to blow tekios. He recited the bracha about Avraham and the kohanim were instructed to blow teruos, then he recited the blessing about the Red Sea. When the Sages heard about this, they said that this practice was only followed at the eastern gate and on the Temple mount.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz