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Taanis 2:2-3

Taanis 2:2

The service is led by an elder who is familiar with the service, who has children and who is needy so that he will be completely invested in the prayer. He recites 24 blessings: the usual 18 plus an additional six.

Taanis 2:3

The additional blessings are: zichronos (remembrances), shofros (shofars), "Hashem is my God in times of trouble" (Psalms 120), "I raise my eyes towards the mountains" (Psalms 131), "From the depths I have called to You, Hashem" (Psalms 130), "A prayer of the destitute when he wraps himself (Psalms 102). Rabbi Yehuda says that "When there is famine in the land" (I Kings 8:37) and "The word of God that came to Jeremiah about the droughts" (Jeremiah 14:1) were recited in lieu of zichronos and shofros. The one leading the service recites conclusions to all these blessings (i.e., the formula of "Baruch Atah Hashem..." - see next Mishna).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz