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Megillah 1:5-6

Megillah 1:5

The only difference between yom tov and Shabbos is ochel nefesh (certain types of food preparation that are permitted on yom tov but not on Shabbos). The only difference between Shabbos and Yom Kippur is that desecrating Shabbos is punishable by man and desecrating Yom Kippur is punishable with kareis (spiritual excision).

Megillah 1:6

The only difference between one who vows not to derive benefit from another person and one who vows not accept food from him is setting foot in the other person’s home and borrowing utensils not used in the preparation of food. The only difference between offerings brought because of vows and those brought voluntarily is that one must fulfill a vow offering even if something happens to disqualify the animal but such is not the case when it comes to voluntarily offerings.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz