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Megillah 1:7-8

Megillah 1:7

The only difference between a zav (a man who has experienced a certain type of discharge) who has seen two sightings and a zav who has seen three is that the latter must bring an offering. The only difference between a metzora (popularly but inaccurately rendered a “leper”) who has been quarantined pending review and one who has been declared a definite metzora is tearing the clothes and wild hair. The only difference between one who was declared pure (rather than a metzora) after his quarantine and one who was declared pure after being ruled a metzora is shaving and offering birds.

Megillah 1:8

The only difference between seforim (books of the Bible used for study) and tefillin and mezuzos is that seforim may be written in any language while tefillin and mezuzos must be written in Hebrew using the “Assyrian” script. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said that even when it comes to seforim, they only permitted Greek in addition to Hebrew.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz