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Kesubos 1:3-4

Kesubos 1:3

If an adult male had sexual relations with a minor female,* or if a minor male had such relations with an adult female,* or if a girl broke her hymen in an accident, Rabbi Meir says her kesubah is 200 dinar. The Sages say that the kesubah of a girl who broke her hymen in an accident is 100 dinar.

*This is not to say that such relations are permitted. The mishna is only discussing the legal ramifications should such a situation occur.

Kesubos 1:4

If a woman is both a virgin and a widow, a divorcee or a woman who underwent chalitzah following marriage, her kesubah is worth 100 dinar and her groom cannot make a legal claim about her virginity. If a woman was a convert, a captive or a maidservant and she was converted, redeemed or freed over the age of three years and one day, her kesubah is 100 dinar and her groom cannot make a legal claim about her virginity.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz