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Kesubos 1:5-6

Kesubos 1:5

If a fiancé eats at his father-in-law’s house in Judea without witnesses, he cannot make a subsequent claim about his bride’s virginity because he had plenty of time alone with her before they were married. The value of a kesubah for both a widow from a Yisroel family and a widow from a kohein family is 100 dinar. The court in the Temple that ruled on matters relating to kohanim used to raise the value of the kesubah for a virgin from a kohein family to 400 zuz (twice the normal rate) and the Sages did not object.

Kesubos 1:6

Let’s say that a man married a woman who purported to be a virgin but he discovered that this was not the case. She claims that she was coerced after he betrothed her so it happened “on his watch” but he claims that it happened before and she misled him. In such a case, Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elezer say that the woman is believed (because she was there, while her husband merely speculates). Rabbi Yehoshua says we do not rely on her words. Rather, the presumption is that it happened before they were betrothed and the burden of proof is on her to demonstrate otherwise.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz