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Kesubos 7:4-5

Kesubos 7:4

Let’s say that a man confirms his wife’s vow prohibiting her from visiting her father’s house. If her father lives in the same city, the man may keep her if the vow is for one month but he must divorce her and pay her the value of her kesubah if the vow is for two months. If her father lives in another city, the man may keep her if the vow is for one yom tov but he must divorce her and pay her the value of her kesubah if the vow is for three yom tovs. (What about two yom tovs? The gemara on Kesubos 71b explains that a Yisroel may keep her for one yom tov and must divorce her for two, a kohein may keep her for two yom tovs and must divorce her for three.)

Kesubos 7:5

If a man confirms his wife’s vow prohibiting her from attending a shiva house or a wedding celebration, he must divorce her and pay her the value of her kesubah because he prevents her from sharing others’ sorrows and joys. If he had another reason – i.e., to avoid disreputable people – then he may remain married to her. If he agrees to annul her vow on the condition that she tell a third party something embarrassing or that she pour water on a trash heap (things intended to disgrace her), he must divorce her and pay her the value of her kesubah.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz