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Kesubos 11:3-4

Kesubos 11:3

If a woman sold her kesubah, or a portion of her kesubah, or if she committed her kesubah or a portion of it, or if she gave her kesubah or a portion of it to another person as a gift, in all of these cases, she may only sell the remainder of it through the courts. The Sages say that a woman can sell her kesubah (in pieces) even four or five times. She may sell property from the estate for support without the court, writing in the contract that she sold it for support. A divorcee may only sell property to pay her kesubah through the courts.

Kesubos 11:4

If a widow’s kesubah was 200 dinar, and she sold property from the estate worth 100 for 200, or she sold property worth 200 for 100, she is considered to have received the value of her kesubah in full. If her kesubah was worth 100 dinar, and she sold property worth 101 for 100, the sale is void. This is so even if she says that she will return the dinar to the husband’s heirs. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that her sale is always valid, until there is a discrepancy so large that the heirs would not be left a field of nine kav (3,750 square amos) or a garden of half a kav (208.3 square amos); Rabbi Akiva says a quarter kav (104.167 square amos). If her kesubah was 400 and she sold three people property worth 100 for 100, but she sold the fourth person property worth 101 for 100, the last sale is voided but the others are valid.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz