2,533. The Conditions of Mauling

Hilchos Shechita 5:7

Mauling only applies when the predator strikes with its forelegs; if it strikes with its hindlegs, we are unconcerned. Mauling only applies to its claw; if it bites, we are unconcerned unless it penetrates the animal’s body cavity. In such a case, we check to see if it penetrated one of the organs even the smallest amount. Mauling only applies when the predator’s intention is to attack; if it fell and its claws got stuck in the other animal, mauling doesn’t apply. Mauling only applies while the predator is alive; if it attacked an animal and was killed, its claws remaining stuck in the prey and not being removed until after the predator has died, then we are unconcerned.

Hilchos Shechita 5:8

In any case where we are concerned about an animal that was attacked, it should be slaughtered and its body cavity checked from bottom to top. If it’s found to be completely intact vis-à-vis things that make an animal treifa and there’s no indication that it was attacked, the animal is permitted. If there’s an indication that it had been attacked, the animal is a treifa and Biblically prohibited.