2,463. Libation Wine That Got Mixed With Regular Wine

Maachalos Assuros 16:28

If wine that was poured as a libation to idols got mixed with other wine, the whole mixture is prohibited for benefit regardless of how little prohibited wine is in the mixture as was previously discussed. This is the case when permitted wine gets poured onto a drop that was poured as a libation; if one takes wine that had been poured as a libation and pours it from a small bottle into a cistern of wine, then it is nullified. This is so even if one pours such wine all day long since each drop gets nullified, one after the other. If one pours such wine from a barrel, then the whole thing is prohibited regardless of whether one pours permitted wine into prohibited wine or vice versa because the stream of wine from the barrel serves as a connective.

Maachalos Assuros 16:29

If even the smallest volume of non-Jewish wine got mixed with (kosher) wine, it is prohibited to drink and should be sold to a non-Jew. The portion of the money for the prohibited wine must be thrown into the Dead Sea (or destroyed in some other manner); one is permitted to benefit from the rest of the money. Similarly, if a barrel of wine that had been poured as a libation got mixed up with barrels of fit wine, all are prohibited for drinking but one may derive benefit by selling them all to a non-Jew and throwing the money for the prohibited barrel into the Dead Sea. This is also true of a barrel of regular non-Jewish wine.