2,435. Things of Different Kinds vs. Those of the Same Kind

Maachalos Assuros 15:6

All prohibited foods in the Torah, whether they are punishable by lashes or kareis, or if they are prohibited for benefit, if they get mixed with permitted things of a different kind, the mixture is prohibited if the flavor of the forbidden thing is discernable. If the prohibited and permitted things are of the same kind so that the flavor of the prohibited thing isn’t distinguishable, we see if the permitted thing outnumbers the prohibited thing by 60, 100 or 200 to 1. The only exceptions are wine that was poured as a libation to an idol – which is a severe prohibition because of idolatry – and untithed produce, because it can be fixed (by taking tithes). Because of this, even the smallest amount of these mixed with something of their own kind is prohibited. If they get mixed with things of a different kind, then it depends on whether or not their taste can be discerned.

Maachalos Assuros 15:7

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if several barrels of wine fell on a drop of wine that had been poured as a libation to an idol, all of it is prohibited as will be discussed further. Similarly, if a cup of wine from untithed grapes got mixed into a barrel of wine, the whole barrel is considered untithed until the appropriate volume of trumah and tithes are taken, as will be discussed IY”H in Hilchos Trumah.