2,436. Mixtures of Shemittah and Mixtures of Chometz

Maachalos Assuros 15:8

If Sabbatical-year produce gets mixed with the same kind, the smallest amount renders the whole mixture as if Sabbatical-year produce; if with a different kind, it depends on whether or not the taste of the Sabbatical-year produce is discernible. Despite this, it’s not like one of the things prohibited under Biblical law because this mixture isn’t prohibited. Rather, one must eat the whole mixture as per the sanctity of Sabbatical-year produce as will be discussed IY”H in Hilchos Shemittah v’Yoveil.

Maachalos Assuros 15:9

Even though chometz is prohibited on Pesach under Biblical law, the general rules of mixtures don’t apply to it. This is because such a mixture won’t be prohibited forever; after Pesach, the whole mixture becomes permitted. Accordingly, the smallest amount of chometz on Pesach renders a mixture prohibited both with foods of the same kind and with those of different kinds.