2,416. Wages for Selling Libation Wine

Maachalos Assuros 13:15

As was already discussed, whenever it is prohibited to benefit from something, if a person violates the law and sells it, the money is permitted except for money received for selling idols, their accessories, offerings that were made to them and wine that was poured as libations to them. The Sages were strict when it came to regular non-Jewish wine and declared money received in exchange for it to be prohibited like the money received in exchange for wine that was actually poured as a libation to an idol. Therefore, if a non-Jew hires a Jew to work with him handling wine, the salary that he earns is prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 13:16

Similarly, if a Jew rents out his donkey or his boat to transport (non-Jewish) wine, the payment received is prohibited. If he received cash, he should take it to the Dead Sea (or otherwise destroy it). If he received clothing, utensils or produce his wages, he should burn them and bury the ashes in order not to derive benefit from them.