2,354. Doing Business With Forbidden Foods

Maachalos Assuros 8:16

When it’s prohibited to benefit from something, if someone derived benefit without eating it, such as by selling it, giving it to a non-Jew or feeding it to dogs, he isn’t liable to lashes but he is given stripes for acting rebelliously. Money from such a sale is permitted. When it’s prohibited to eat something but benefit is permitted, it remains prohibited to do business with that item or to set oneself up in a job that involves such prohibited things, except for forbidden fat, regarding which Leviticus 7:24, “You may use it for any labor.” Because of this, we don’t do business with neveila, treifa, or swarming and creeping things.

Maachalos Assuros 8:17

If a trapper comes across non-kosher animals, birds or fish, and he captures them, or if he catches both kosher and non-kosher species, he may sell them but he may not design to base his business on non-kosher species. One is permitted to do business with things like milk that was milked by a non-Jew without Jewish supervision, cheese made by non-Jews, etc.