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Avodah Zarah 5:6-7

Avodah Zara 5:6

If a troop of non-Jewish soldiers enters a city in times of peace, then open barrels of wine are prohibited and sealed barrels are permitted. In times of war, both are permitted because there’s no time for them to offer libations.

Avodah Zara 5:7

If a non-Jew sent Jewish craftsmen a barrel of non-Jewish wine as their wages, they may ask him for its value in cash; once they take possession of the wine, it is prohibited. If a Jew sells wine to a non-Jew and he quoted a price before measuring it out, the money is permitted; if he measured it out before setting the price, then the money is prohibited. Let’s say that a Jewish proprietor took his funnel and measured wine into a non-Jew’s bottle and then into a Jew’s bottle. If the funnel has wine residue from the first in it, then the second is prohibited. If he pours from his own vessel to one containing non-Jewish wine, then the one from which he poured is permitted (so long as it did not form a continuous stream connecting the two) but the one into which he poured is prohibited (even before it reaches the vessel containing non-Jewish wine).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz