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Avodah Zarah 5:8-9

Avodah Zara 5:8

Non-Jewish wine is prohibited and it renders prohibited in any amount. Libation wine mixed with other wine and libation water mixed with other water prohibit in any amount but wine mixed with water or water mixed with wine only prohibit if they impart flavor. The general principle is that like substances prohibit in any amount and unlike substances only prohibit if flavor is imparted.

Avodah Zara 5:9

These are prohibited and render prohibited in any amount: non-Jewish wine, idols, hides that are torn near the heart, an ox that has been sentenced to stoning, an eglah arufah (calf killed as part of a ceremony following an unsolved murder), the birds used in a metzora’s purification, a nazir’s hair, a firstborn donkey, meat-and-milk combinations, the scapegoat, and unsanctified animals that were slaughtered in the Temple courtyard. All of these things are prohibited and render prohibited in any amount.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz