2,377. Redeeming Neta Revai

Maachalos Assuros 10:16

In Israel, it is prohibited to eat any fourth-year produce until it’s redeemed; the laws of redemption will be discussed IY”H in Hilchos Maaser Sheini, as will how such produce should be eaten, and when we start counting the growth of a tree vis-à-vis orlah and neta revai.

Maachalos Assuros 10:17

Nowadays, neta revai is redeemed as follows: after collecting the produce, one recites the bracha that Hashem sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to redeem neta revai. Next, one can redeem the whole crop even with a single prutah (a small denomination of coin). The prutah is then thrown into the Dead Sea (or otherwise destroyed). Another approach is to transfer the sanctity to other produce that’s worth a prutah by saying, “The sanctity of all of this produce is transferred to this wheat/barley/whatever,” after which he burns the produce to which the sanctity was transferred so that it won’t pose an obstacle to others (since it’s prohibited to eat). After this, the fourth-year produce may be eaten.