2,378. Tevel

Maachalos Assuros 10:18

Some Geonim ruled that if one redeemed neta revai or transferred its sanctity, it is prohibited to eat from it until the fifth year; this ruling is without basis and the Rambam opines that it is based in error. Leviticus 19:25 teaches, “In the fifth year, you may eat of its produce,” but the intention of this verse is that in the fifth year one may do so without first redeeming it, like any normal produce in the world. One should therefore not follow the erroneous ruling.

Maachalos Assuros 10:19

Tevel is any produce from which trumah and tithes must be taken before these portions are separated. It is prohibited to eat it as per Leviticus 22:15, “They shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, which they set apart for God,” meaning that one may not treat them in the regular fashion so long as the holy aspects that will be removed have not yet been taken. If one ate an olive-sized portion of tevel before separating trumah gedolah and trumat maaser, he is liable to death at the hands of Heaven as Leviticus 22:16 continues, “They will bear the sin of guilt.”