Siman - Yoma Daf 86

  • What constitutes a chillul Hashem?

Rebbe Elazar ben Azarya reported Rebbe Yishmael’s teaching that there are three divisions of kaparah, describing what is required for kaparah after transgressing a מצות עשה, a מצות לא תעשה and if he committed an aveirah that is punishable by כרת and מיתת בית דין. He concludes by saying, אבל מי שיש חילול השם בידו אין לו כח בתשובה לתלות – but one who bears the sin of chillul Hashem, does not have the capacity to suspend punishment, ולא ביום הכפורים לכפר – nor Yom Kippur to atone, ולא ביסורין למרק – nor suffering to purge, אלא כולן תולין ומיתה ממרקת – rather all of them together suspend, and death purges the sin.

The Gemara asks what constitutes a chillul Hashem, and Rav said: If someone like me, meaning a Talmid chochom, would take meat from a butcher and not give him the money promptly, that would constitute a chillul Hashem. Rashi explains that the butcher might suspect of him of being a גזלן and will learn from his example. Yitzchak d’bei Rebbe Yannai said: כל שחביריו מתביישין מחמת שמועתו היינו חילול השם – Anyone whose friends are embarrassed on account of his bad reputation; this is a chillul Hashem.

  • גדולה תשובה

The Gemara brings several statements about the greatness of teshuvah.

● Rebbe Chamah bar Chanina said: גדולה תשובה שמביאה רפאות לעולם – Great is teshuvah, for it brings healing to the world. The Iyun Yaakov explains that medical treatments that were previously unknown will be revealed to cure the person doing teshuvah. Once they are known, they will benefit the whole world.

● Rebbe Levi said: גדולה תשובה שמגעת עד כסא הכבוד – Great is teshuvah, for it reaches to the Kisei Hakavod, as it is stated, שובה ישראל עד ה' אלקיך – Return, O Yisroel, unto Hashem your G-d.

● Reish Lakish said: גדולה תשובה שזדונות נעשות לו כשגגות – Great is teshuvah, for because of it, willful transgressions are accounted for the person doing teshuvah as inadvertent errors. The Gemara clarifies that this is when one does teshuvah when motivated from yirah, fear. When one is motivated to do teshuvah out of love, Reish Lakish says that זדונות נעשות לו כזכיות – his willful transgressions are accounted for him as merits. Additional statements about the greatness of teshuvah are brought.

  • When to conceal one's sins

Rav Yehudah said that Rav contrasted the following passukim: One the one hand it is written, "אשרי נשוי פשע כסוי חטאה" – Fortunate is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is concealed.” But on the other hand it is written, "מכסה פשעיו לא יצליח" – One who conceals his sins will not succeed.? The Gemara answers that this is not a difficulty. הא בחטא מפורסם הא בחטא שאינו מפורסם – This second passuk, which objects to concealing a cheit, deals with a cheit that is widely known already, whereas this first passuk, which advocates concealment, deals with a cheit that is not widely known. Rashi explains that when people discover that he has sinned, kavod Shomayim is diminished. If it is already known, it is to the sinner’s benefit to admit it to others so that it will intensify his shame and remorse. Rav Zutra the son of Toviah said in the name of Rav Nachman, כאן בעבירות שבין אדם לחבירו כאן בעבירות שבין אדם למקום. Rashi explains that if he sinned against his fellow, he should reveal the crime to others so that they will beseech the victim to forgive him. If he sins against Hashem, it is forbidden to reveal it to others.