Siman - Yoma Daf 81

  • האוכל והשותה אין מצטרפין

The Mishnah on Daf 73b stated האוכל ושותה אין מצטרפין – Eating and drinking do not combine, so if someone ate a חצי שיעור of food and drank a חצי שיעור of a drink, he is not chayav kares. The Gemara here asks who the Tanna is that taught this rule, and Rav Chisda said that it is Rebbe Yehoshua, for it was taught in a Mishnah in Me’ilah, כלל אמר רבי יהושע – Rebbe Yehoshua stated a general ruleכל שטומאתו ושיעורו שוה מצטרף – that all items whose degree of tumah and shiur are equal, combine with one another to complete the shiur. But if their degree of tumah is identical but not their shiur, or their shiur is equal but not their degree of tumah, they do not combine. Similarly, Rebbe Yehoshua would hold here that since the shiurim of food and drink are different, they do not combine.

Rav Nachman said that our Mishnah can also go in accord with the Rabbanon who hold that items with different shiurim of tumah do combine. In the case of tumah, שם טומאה חד הוא – the halachic concept of tumah, in all its various degrees and measures, is in the final analysis, one and the same. But here in the case of eating and drinking on Yom Kippur, the liability is on account of putting the mind at ease, והאי לא מיתבא דעתיה  - and the mind of one who ate and drank חצי שיעורים is not at ease.

  • מוסיפין מחול על הקדש

It was taught in a Baraisa, the passuk states "ועניתם את נפשתיכם בתשעה לחדש"  - and you shall afflict yourselves on the ninth of the month. It could be thought that one must begin fasting on the ninth of the month, therefore the Torah states בערב – in the evening. And if the Torah had only stated in the evening, it could be thought that one begins fasting only from nightfall, therefore the Torah states בתשעה – on the ninth. הא כיצד – How can we reconcile these seemingly contradictory passukim? מתחיל ומתענה מבעוד יום  - He begins fasting when it is still day of the ninth. מכאן שמוסיפין מחול על הקדש – From here we learn that we add from the weekday onto the holy. Where do we learn that we add from the weekday onto the holy upon its departure as well? The Torah therefore states, מערב עד ערב – from evening until evening. The Baraisa continues showing how we are מוסיפין מחול על הקדש for Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim as well.

  • Eating and drinking on the ninth is considered as if one had fasted

Chiya bar Rav m’Difti taught a Baraisa which brings the passuk that states, "ועניתם את נשפתיכם בתשעה" – and you shall afflict yourselves on the ninth of the month. וכי בתשעה מתענין והלא בעשור מתענין – But is it on the ninth of Tishrei that we fast? Is it not on the tenth that we fast? Rather the passuk is coming to tell you that כל האוכל ושותה בתשיעי מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו התענה תשיעי ועשירי – If one eats and drinks on the ninth, the Torah treats him as if he had fasted on the ninth and the tenth. Rashi explains that when the Torah states “and you shall afflict yourselves on the ninth…,” it does not mean that you shall actually fast then, but rather that you shall prepare for the fast by eating and drinking so that you will be able to fast on the tenth. By phrasing this command to eat and drink on the ninth with the words “and you shall afflict yourselves,” the Torah demonstrates that it treats one who eats and drinks on the ninth as though he had fasted then as well.