Conversion Part 4: Modern Challenges

  • In Parts 1, 2 & 3 we looked at the halachic and hashkafic underpinnings of conversion, and began to examine some of the modern challenges that the Jewish community faces in this area.
  • In this shiur we will examine in more detail the two most controversial questions in the conversion debate -
  • (i) to what extent does the convert have to be observant in Torah and mitzvot, and how could non-observance affect the validity of the conversion? and
  • (ii) to what extent do other motivations for conversion, eg marriage, prevent the conversion from proceeding?

This series is sponsored anonymously in the merit of an aliyat neshama for Matisyahu ben Yisrael, Aharon ben Menachem Lev, and Eliana bat Yaakov