Siman - Yoma Daf 80

  • טומאת אוכלין כביצה מנלן

The Gemara asks, טומאת אוכלין כביצה מנלן – From where do we know that the shiur for food tumah is a כביצה? Rebbe Abahu said in the name of Rebbe Elazar: For the passuk states, "מכל האכל אשר יאכל" – From any food that is eaten. This alludes to אוכל הבא מחמת אוכל - food that comes on account of food. Which food is this? ביצה תרנגולת – A hen egg. An egg which is food comes from a hen which is food. When the Gemara asks, why not say the passuk is referring to a ביצת בר יוכני – the egg of a bar yochani, which is much larger than a hen egg, it answers תפסת מרובה לא תפסת תפסת מועט תפסת – When you grab a large amount you have not grabbed anything, but when you grab a small amount, you certainly grabbed something. When the Gemara successfully challenges this, by suggesting then that the passuk is referring to the egg of a small bird, which is very tiny, Rebbe Abahu provides a different explanation of how the passuk refers to a hen’s egg. "מכל האכל אשר יאכל" – From any food that is eaten, implies אוכל שאתה אוכלו בבת אחת – a food that you can eat in a single swallow, ושיערו חכמים אין בית הבליעה מחזיק יותר מביצת תרנגלת – and the Chochomim determined that the throat cannot hold more than the volume of a hen’s egg at one time. 

  • Why the shiur for food is uniform whereas the shiur for drinking is relative

The Mishnah on Daf 73b stated, השותה מלא לוגמיו חייב – One who drinks a quantity of liquid equal to the fill of his cheeks, is chayav kares. On this Daf, Rebbe Zeira asks what is different about eating, that the shiur for everyone is a כותבת, whereas for drinking, the shiur for everyone is not uniform but is equal to the fill of one's own cheek? Abaye answered that it has been accepted by the Rabbanon with regard to a כותבת, that one’s mind is put at ease regardless of a person’s size, whereas by drinking, it is accepted by the Rabbanon that with one’s own cheekful of liquid one’s mind is put at ease from the distress of thirst, but with his friend’s cheekful, his mind is not put at ease. When Rebbe Zeira challenged Abaye, asking if it is at all possible that the giant, Og Melech Bashan, could be put at ease with a כותבת, Abaye answered that while Og is not alleviated to the same degree as others, he is relieved from the distress somewhat. Therefore, if a giant Jew ate a כותבת on Yom Kippur, he has violated the mitzvah of עינוי.

  • האוכל אכילה גסה ביום הכפורים פטור

Reish Lakish said: האוכל אכילה גסה ביום הכפורים פטור – One who eats excessively on Yom Kippur, is patur from kares. What is the reason? It says in the passuk, "אשר לא תענה" – For any soul that will not be afflicted on this very day, will be cut off from its people. This teaches that one is chayav for alleviating one’s affliction through eating, פרט למזיק – to the exclusion of one who, in an act of excessive consumption, damages the food and himself. Rashi explains that the Gemara is discussing a case where one who ate a filling meal immediately prior to the onset of Yom Kippur, while satiated to the point of revulsion, proceeded to eat on Yom Kippur night. Since the entire eating is an אכילת גסה, he is patur. On the other hand, if one were to begin eating on Yom Kippur to the point of אכילה גסה, then he would be chayav, since the eating prior to satiation was not excessive .