Siman - Yoma Daf 46

  • Singed invalid parts of a korban that are left over are burned on the fourth ma’aracha

We learned on Daf 45a that Rebbe Meir held that an additional ma’arachah was set up daily on the mizbayach for burning the limbs and fats that were not consumed at night. In our Gemara here, Rebbe Elazar said in the name of Bar Kappara, that Rebbe Meir was saying the following: איברי עולה שנתותרו – Regarding the limbs of the olah that were left over from the previous night,ואפילו בשבת עושה להן מערכה בפני עצמה וסודרן – one makes a separate ma’arachah for them, and arranges them upon it, and even on Shabbos. The Gemara asks what Bar Kappara is teaching, given that an explicit Mishnah stated the requirement for a fourth ma’arachah, and Rebbe Avin answers, לא נצרכה אלא לפסולין – This clause is needed only to teach that the fourth ma’arachah is set up even for invalid parts that are left over. But this is only if the fire has already taken hold of the invalid parts. However, if the fire has not yet taken hold of them, a special ma’arachah is not set up for them. Rashi explains that it is only upon becoming singed that the parts are considered לחמו של מזבח – the bread of the mizbayach. Others understand that this qualification applies to valid parts as well.

  • תחילתו דוחה סופו אינו דוחה

After noting that both Bar Kappara and Rava agree that we kindle an additional ma’arachah on Shabbos to burn the leftover weekday parts, the Gemara brings Rav Huna’s opinion that תחילתו דוחה סופו אינו דוחה – The beginning of the Shabbos tamid, (referring to its shechitah and offering up of its parts), is docheh Shabbos, but the end of the Friday tamid is not docheh Shabbos. We see that Rav Huna holds that the parts of the weekday tamid are not burned on Shabbos. The Gemara brings a machlokes regarding what is meant by אינו דוחה. Rav Chisda said: דוחה את השבת ואינו דוחה את הטומאה – This means that although the end of the tamid is docheh Shabbos, it is not docheh tumah. Although we generally override the tumah restrictions for the sake of the tamid, the mere burning of its parts is not significant enough to warrant this. Rabbah said that Rav Huna means that דוחה את הטומאה ואינו דוחה את השבת –although the burning of the tamid is docheh tumah, the end of the Friday tamid is not docheh Shabbos. Although the parts of the tamid are burned in a state of tumah, the parts of the Friday tamid are not burned on Shabbos, for their burning does not warrant being docheh Shabbos.

  • המכבה אש מחתה ומנורה

It was stated, המכבה אש מחתה ומנורה – With regard to one who extinguishes the fire of the machteh or the Menorah, Abaye says one is chayav and Rava says he is patur. The Gemara clarifies that they agree that one is chayav if he extinguished the coal at the top of the mizbayach. They disagree in a case when he took it down to the ground and extinguished it there. Abaye said he is chayav אש המזבח הוא – the coal is considered the “fire of the mizbayach.” Rava says he is patur כיון דנתקה נתקה – because once it is removed from the mizbayach, it was removed. It is no longer considered אש המזבח.