Siman - Yoma Daf 39

  • עבירה מטמטמת לבו של אדם

It was taught in the yeshivah of Rebbe Yishmael, עבירה מטמטמת לבו של אדם – An aveirah obstructs the heart of a person, as it says in the passuk, ולא תטמאו בהם ונטמתם בם – You shall not contaminate yourselves through them, lest you become contaminated through them, אל תקרי "ונטמאתם" אלא ונטמתם – Do not pronounce it “venitmeisam” (lest you become contaminated) but rather venitamtem (lest you become obstructed).

The Gemara also brings a derashah focusing on one’s spiritual growth. It was taught in a Baraisa, the passuk says, "והתקדשתם והייתם קדשים" – You shall sanctify yourselves and become holy. אדם מקדש עצמו מעט מקדשין אותו הרבה – If a person sanctifies himself a little, he is sanctified a great deal, מלמטה מקדשין אותו מלמעלה – if he sanctifies himself down below, referring to his personal behavior, morality and appetite, he is sanctified above, בעולם הזה מקדשין אותו לעולם הבא – if he sanctifies himself in this world he is sanctified in Olam Habah.

  • ארבעים שנה ששמש שמעון הצדיק

It was taught in a Baraisa, ארבעים שנה ששמש שמעון הצדיק – During the forty years that Shimon HaTzaddik served as Kohen Gadol, היה גורל עולה בימין – The lot inscribed “for Hashem” would always come up in his right hand, which was a good sign that Klal Yisroel found favor before Hashem. The Baraisa continues listing other positive signs that occurred during his tenure as Kohen Gadol: היה לשון של זהורית מלבין – the strip of red wool would always whiten. היה נר מערבי דולק – The western lamp of the Menorah would remain lit. היה אש של מערכה מתגבר – The fire of the ma’arachah would burn strong on its own. ונשתלחה ברכה בעומר ובשתי הלחם ובלחם הפנים  - Berachah was sent upon the omer, the shtei halechem and the lechem hapanim and every Kohen who received a piece the size of a kezayis either was sated or even leave some over. 

It was taught in another Baraisa, ארבעים שנה קודם חורבן הבית – During the forty years prior to the destruction of Bayis Sheini, the lot inscribed for Hashem never came up in the Kohen Gadol’s right hand, the strip of red wool never whitened, the ner ma’aravi never remained lit and the doors of the Heichal would open on their own, which Rashi explains was a sign for the enemies of the Jewish people to come and destroy it.

  • Sounds and fragrances of Yerushalayim that could be heard and smelled in Yericho

It was taught in a Baraisa, עשר פעמים מזכיר כהן גדול את השם בו ביום – Ten times the Kohen Gadol pronounces the Name, referring to the four-letter name of Hashem, on that day (Yom Kippur). Three times in the first viduy, three times in the second viduy, three times over the se’ir l’Azazel, and one time with the lots. And it happened, during the time when miracles occurred in the Beis Hamikdash, that he said, "the Name" and his voice was heard in Yericho.

Rabbah bar bar Chanah said, מירושלים ליריחו עשרה פרסאות – From Yerushalayim until Yericho is a distance of ten parsaos וציר דלתות ההיכל נשמע בשמנה תחומי שבת, and the creaking of the hinge of the Heichal doors was heard (when the doors were opened and closed) at a distance of eight techumei Shabbos. The goats that were in Yericho would sneeze from the fragrance of the ketores, and the women in Yericho did not have to perfume themselves, nor did a bride have to perfume herself, because of the fragrance of the ketores.