Siman- Yoma Daf 38

  • ניקנור נעשו נסים לדלתותיו

The Mishnah on Daf 37a stated, ניקנור נעשו נסים לדלתותיו – Regarding Nikanor, miracles occurred to his doors. The Gemara here brings a Baraisa that relates that Nikanor went to Alexandria in Mitzrayim, to bring doors. Rashi explains that he went to purchase copper doors for the eastern entrance of the azarah. Upon his return a great storm at sea threatened to drown him and the sailors took one of the doors and threw it into the sea to lighten the ship’s load. When the storm did not subside, the sailors sought to throw the second door overboard as well, but Nikanor refused. He told them they would need to throw him overboard as well. Immediately the sea calmed, but Nikanor was upset about the loss of the first door. When the ship arrived at the port, he saw the first door poking out from under the walls of the ship. Others say a sea creature had swallowed it and spat it out on the land. Therefore, all the gates that were in the Beis Hamikdash were rendered out of gold except for Nikanor’s מפני שנעשו בו נסים - because of the miracles that occurred to it. Others say they were not replaced because their copper shone brightly, while Rebbe Eliezer ben Yaakov says it was refined copper and it shone like gold.

  • Not sharing unique skills

The next Mishnah lists various families and individuals that are mentioned לגנאי – unfavorably, for not wanting to share their unique skills with others. Beis Garmu על מעשה לחם הפנים. The Gemara explains that they did not want to teach their secret for keeping the lechem hapanim fresh for the entire week. Beis Avtinus על מעשה הקטורתThey did not want to share their secret for preparing the ketores. The Gemara explains that only they knew how to prepare it so that the smoke went straight up like a pillar. Hugras ben Levi היה יודע פרק בשיר – knew a special musical method but did not want to teach it. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that when he wanted to project his voice with sweetness, he would insert his thumb into his mouth and place his finger between the hairs of his mustache. Some say it was between strings of a harp. Ben Kamtzar did not want to teach מעשה הכתב - his special method for writing. A Baraisa explains that he would take four pens between his fingers, and he could write a four-letter word at one time. The Gemara clarifies that in the first three cases, the motivation not to teach the skill was so that it should not fall into the hands of idolaters. Referring to them, it is said, זכר צדיק לברכה – The mention of a Tzadik is for berachah. Ben Kamtzar, however, had no excuse for not teaching his skill, and concerning him it is said, ושם רשעים ירקב – and the name of the wicked will rot.

  • כל המשכח דבר מתלמודו

Rebbe Elazar said, כל המשכח דבר מתלמודו גורם גלות לבניו – Anyone who causes himself to forget something from his learning, causes his children to go into exile, as it says, ותשכח תורת אלקיך אשכח בניך גם אני – Because you have forgotten the law of your G-d, I also will forget your children. Rebbe Abahu said, מורידין אותו מגדולתו – He is demoted from his position of greatness, for it is stated at the beginning of that passuk, כי אתה הדעת מאסת ואמאסך מכהן לי – Because you have spurned knowledge, I will spurn you from ministering to Me.