Siman - Yoma Daf 33

  • מערכה גדולה קודמת למערכה שניה

This Daf discusses the order of the daily morning service. אביי מסדר מערכה משמיה דגמרא ואליבא דאבא שאול – Abaye listed the order of the daily Altar service based on the tradition that was received by the students in the yeshiva, and in accordance with Abba Shaul. מערכת גדולה קודמת למערכה שניה – The main, large ma’arachah, precedes the secondary ma’arachah for the ketores. The Gemara brings a Baraisa with the sources for each ma’arachah and suggests that perhaps the order should be reversed and the ma’arachah for the ketores should come first. When the Gemara answers that it is logical that the מערכה גדולה should come first שכן כפרתה מרובה – for a lot of kaparah is achieved on it, meaning all offerings are brought on it except for the ketores, the Gemara counters that perhaps the מערכה שניה should come first שכן מכניסין ממנה לפנים – for they take coals from it into the Kodesh Kedoshim. To this the Gemara answers that in addition to achieving kaparah more often, if wood for the מערכה שניה was not found, then coals from the מערכה גדולה would be brought.

  • אין מעבירין על המצות

Abaye’s list states, ודישון מזבח הפנימי קודם להטבת חמש הנרות – The separating of the ash from the Inner Altar, precedes the cleaning of five lamps of the Menorah. Rava said that the reason is in accordance with Reish Lakish, who said, אין מעבירין על המצות – We do not pass over an opportunity to perform mitzvos, and when a Kohen goes into the Heichal he encounters the מזבח הפנימי first.

Rava said that we derive from this ruling of Reish Lakish of אין מעבירין על המצות, that עבורי דרעא אטוטפתא אסור – that bypassing the arm tefillin for the head tefillin is assur. Rashi explains that because a person’s hand reaches the opposite arm before it reaches the head, one should not delay putting on the arm tefillin on account of the head tefillin (even though the head tefillin have more kedushah). Therefore, the way to put them on is מדרעא לטוטפתא – from the arm and then to the head. Tosafos disagrees with Rashi’s understanding, since the order of putting tefillin on is explicit in the passuk and there is no need for Reish Lakish’s principle. Rather, he explains the Gemara to be discussing how tefillin should be returned to the bag. The head tefillin should be replaced first so that the next day one will not have to bypass the head tefillin when reaching for the arm tefillin.

  • The blood application of the Tamid comes between the cleanings of the Menorah

In Abaye’s list, the cleaning of the five lamps of the Menorah comes before the zerikah of the blood of the Tamid, which comes before the cleaning of the other two lamps. Rav Pappa suggested to Abaye, based on a consideration of passukim, that the zerikas hadam of the Tamid should come first since מכפר עדיף – an atoning act has preference. The Gemara answered that this would work according to Reish Lakish, who said the reason that some lamps are cleaned, and then other lamps are cleaned afterward, is כדי להרגיש כל העזרה כולה – in order to arouse the entire azarah. Rashi explains this means to have extra activity and sounds generated by a new service. But according to Rebbe Yochanan, who holds the reason the cleaning is split is that the passuk states the word בקר twice, which implies חלקהו לשני בקרים  – apportion the cleaning in two mornings, what service would come between the cleanings? Therefore, the blood service of the Tamid comes between the cleanings.