Siman - Yoma Daf 27

  • הפשיטן וניתוחן שוין בזר

The Gemara brings a Baraisa on the bottom of Daf 26b that teaches regarding a personal offering, הפשיטן וניתוחן שוין בזר – Their skinning and dismemberment are equal, in that they may be performed by a non-Kohen. Chizkiyah brings an initial source for this ruling but it is refuted. After several attempts to identify the source, the Gemara concludes that it is from the following passuk concerning the burning of the limbs of an olah, והקטיר הכהן את הכל – and the Kohen shall cause it all to go up in smoke. What does the superfluous mention of a Kohen come to teach? למעוטי הפשט וניתוח – to exclude flaying and dismemberment from the requirement to have a Kohen perform it.

  • Six Kohanim brings the parts of the tamid to the ramp

The Gemara expounds the follow passuk regarding the olah offering: וערכו בני אהרן הכהנים – They shall arrange, the sons of Aharon, the Kohanim. “They shall arrange” implies two, “the sons of Aharon” implies two, “Kohanim” implies two, למדנו לטלה שטעון ששה – We learn from this that the sheep of the tamid requires six Kohanim to bring its parts to the ramp. Rav Hamnuna said that Rebbe Elazar was bothered by the following difficulty. The above passuk is discussing the olah offering brought from cattle, which requires twenty-four Kohanim to carry their parts. Rebbe Elazar then resolved the difficulty himself, that the passuk concludes, על העצים אשר על האש אשר על המזבח – on the wood, that is on the fire, that is on the mizbayach. Since these words are superfluous, since the previous passuk mentioned them as well, they must come to teach regarding a matter where they play a significant role. This must be a reference to the sheep of the tamid. Rashi explains that even if the previous day’s arrangement is still burning, a new arrangement must be made for the tamid.

  • וכי יש לך עבודה שכשירה בלילה ופסולה בזר

Rebbe Zeira objected to a ruling said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, that זר שסידר את המערכה חייב – A non-Kohen who arranged the wood on the ma’arachah, is chayav death by heaven. Rebbe Zeira said, וכי יש לך עבודה שכשירה בלילה ופסולה בזר – Do you ever find an avodah that is valid if it is performed at night and yet it is invalid if it is performed by a non-Kohen? Since the arrangement of the wood on the ma’ararach can be done at night, it should not require a Kohen.

The Gemara objects to Rebbe Zeira’s assumption because of two reasons. It first points out that burning the limbs and fats takes place at night, and must be performed by a Kohen, to which it answers that burning the limbs and fats סוף עבודה דיממא היא – are considered the conclusion of the daytime avodah. It therefore bears greater significance, and a non-Kohen cannot perform it at night. It then points out that תרומת הדשן may be performed at night and yet requires a Kohen, to which it answers תחילת עבודה דיממא היא – it is viewed as the beginning of the daytime avodah. The Gemara concedes that Rebbe Zeira’s assumption stands, and emends Rebbe Yochanan’s statement to זר שסידר שני גזירי עצים חייב – A non-Kohen who arranged the two blocks of wood on the ma’arachah, is chayav death by Heaven. (due to it being a daytime avodah).