Siman - Yoma Daf 3

  • דנין פר אחד ואיל אחד מפר אחד ואיל אחד

The Gemara continues to challenge that the word לכפר refers to Yom Kippur, and suggests that it could be referring to Shavuos, which is also a case of a perishah for seven days for a one-day service. Abba Shaul answers, דנין פר אחד ואיל אחד מפר אחד ואיל אחד – We derive a service that includes one bull and one ram, (referring to the Yom Kippur service), from a service that includes one bull and one ram, (referring to the milu’im), לאפוקי עצרת דשני אילים נינהו – to the exclusion of Shavuos, where there are two rams. This is referring to the two rams brought with the שתי הלחם.

The Gemara clarifies that we can even say that we follow the opinion of Rebbe Eliezer b’Rebbe Shimon, who argues with Rebbe and holds there are two rams brought on Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur the two rams are of two different types, חד לחובת היום וחד למוספין – one coming as an obligation of the day and the other for the mussaf offering. Rashi explains that the mussaf is a supplement to the daily tamid offering, as opposed to a special korban called for on Yom Kippur. Accordingly, we can say Yom Kippur, like the milu’im, possess korbanos of one ram and one bull. This would exclude Shavuos since both rams are offered as an obligation of the day.

  • דנין עבודה בכהן גדול מעבודה דכהן גדול

Ravina provides a different reason with why only the Yom Kippur service can be derived from the milu’im. He said, דנין עבודה בכהן גדול מעבודה בכהן גדול – We derive a service performed by a Kohen Gadol, (referring to the Yom Kippur service), from a service likewise performed by a Kohen Gadol, (referring to the milu’im), as opposed to all the other services mentioned, which are not performed by a Kohen Gadol.

Others say that Ravina said, דנין עבודה תחילה מעבודה תחילה – We derive a “first service” from a “first service.” The Gemara clarifies that this means עבודה תחילה במקום מעבודה תחילה במקום  - we derive a service that was the first to be performed in a particular place, (referring to Yom Kippur which was the first avodah ever to be performed in the Kodesh Kedoshim), from a service that was the first to be performed in a particular place, (referring to the eighth day of the milu’im, which was the first time the avodah was done on the mizbei’ach).

  • כל הנכנס במחנה שכינה טעון פרישת ששה

Reish Lakish challenges Rebbe Yochanan’s assertion that the perishah of the Kohen Gadol is derived from the milu’im, and says the obligation to sequester comes from Har Sinai, where Moshe was sequestered before he could enter the machaneh Shechinah to receive the Torah. The passuk states, וישכן כבוד ה' על הר סיני ויכסהו הענן ששת ימים – And the glory of Hashem rested on Har Sinai, and the cloud covered him for six days, referring to Moshe, ויקרא אל משה ביום השביעי – and He called to Moshe on the seventh day. What was the purpose of stating that Moshe was covered for six days? זה בנה אב שכל הנכנס במחנה שכינה טעון פרישת ששה – This creates the source for the general principle that anyone who enters the machaneh Shechinah requires separation for six days beforehand. Our Mishnah which requires seven days of perishah, is going according to Rebbe Yehudah ben Beseira דחייש לטומאת ביתו  - who is concerned that the Kohen Gadol might become tamei from his wife, who might unexpectedly become a niddah.