Siman - Shekalim Daf 16

  • Halachos of anointing a king

The Gemara brings several halachos pertaining to the anointing of kings:

- אין מושחין המלכים אלא על גבי המעיין – We anoint kings only by a spring. A Gemara in Horayos 12a explains that this symbolizes his reign will endure, since a spring issues from underground in an endless flow.

- אין מושחין מלך בן מלך אלא מפני המחלוקת – We do not anoint a king who is the son of a king except on account of a dispute, such as in the case of Shlomo Hamelech because of his dispute with Adoniyahu.

אין מושחין המלכים אלא מן הקרן - - We anoint kings only from a “horn” of oil. Shaul and Yehu were anointed from a flask of oil and their reign did not endure. The Maharsha explains that a flask represents a truncated reign since it is usually made of earthenware which breaks easily. A horn on the other hand is more durable and represents an enduring reign.

אין מושחין כהנים מלכים - - We do not anoint kings who are Kohanim. Rebbe Yudah Antundarya said that this is on account of the passuk, לא יסור שבט מיהודה – The sceptor shall not depart from Yehudah. The Gemara brings a second source as well.

  • How the luchos were written

The Gemara discusses the aron at length, regarding its dimensions, how it was made and how the luchos were placed within it. The Gemara asks, כיצד היו הלוחות כתובים – How were the luchos written? Rebbe Chanina ben Gamliel says that there were five commandments inscribed on each tablet, as it is written, ויכתבם על שני לחות אבנים – And he inscribed them on two stone tablets.

The Rabbanon say that the ten commandments were written on each tablet as it says,  ויגד לכם את בריתו אשר צוה לעשות עשרת הדברים – He told you His bris that he commanded you to observe, the ten commandments, ויכתבם על שני לחות אבנים – and they were inscribed on two stone tablets. Rebbe Shimon ben Yochai says that twenty commandments were inscribed on each tablet. The Tiklin Chaditin explains that the ten commandments were written on each side of each of the tablets. Rebbe Simai says that forty commandments were inscribed on each tablet, as it is written, מזה ומזה הם כתבים – they were inscribed on this side and on that side, טטרוגה – that is four. According to some mefarshim, it means that the commandments were written twice on each side . According to others, they were written on each of the four sides of the luchos.

  •  אש דת

Rebbe Pinchas said in the name of Rebbe Shimon ben Lakish: התורה שנתן לו הקדוש ברוך הוא למשה – The Torah that HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave to Moshe נתנה לו אש לבנה חרותה באש שחורה – was given to him as white fire inscribed on black fire.    היא אש מובללת באש חצובה מאש ונתונה מאש – It, (referring to the Torah), is fire mixed with fire, hewn from fire and given from fire. This is what is written, מימינו אש דת למו – From His right hand He presented the fire of the Torah to them. The Tiklin Chaditin provides an esoteric interpretation of this.