Siman - Shekalim Daf 4

  • The Tanna Kamma holds a kolbon is a d’Rabbanon because of exchange rate

The next Mishnah introduces the kolbon, a small payment that is sometimes added to the half-shekel tax . ואם שקל על ידו ועל יד חברו חייב בקלבון – If one contributes a shekel on his own behalf and on behalf of his friend, he is obligated to pay one kolbon. Rebbe Meir says, שני קלבנות – He must pay two kolbonos. The Tiklin Chadtin explains that according to the Tanna Kamma, the kolbon is a d’Rabbanon requirement, based on the tendency of half-shekel pieces to rise in value during the month of Adar, when they are in demand. Because of this rise, one who exchanges a sela, which is a full shekel, for two half shekel pieces must pay the moneychanger a premium since the two half-shekel pieces are more valuable than the sela. When two people join, to pay their obligation with a shekel, they are bypassing the moneychanger and avoiding the surcharge. Their payment ends up having less value than two people who gave a half-shekel each. To ensure half-shekel payments are equal the Rabbanon therefore required that two people who pay together, must contribute a kolbon. According to the Tanna Kamma, one person paying a half-shekel is not obligated in a kolbon.

  • Rebbe Meir holds a kolbon is a d’Oraysa based on the half-shekel coin of fire

Rebbe Meir, who says two kolbonos must be paid when one joins with another and gives a shekel, holds that payment of a kolbon is a d’Oraysa chiyuv and must be added to each individual half-shekel payment. The Gemara on amud beis gives the source for Rebbe Meir’s ruling, for Rebbe Meir said, כמין מטבע של אש הוציא הקדוש ברוך הוא מתחת כסא כבודו – HaKadosh Boruch Hu removed a [sort of] coin of fire from beneath His Throne of Glory, והראהו למשה – and He showed it to Moshe, ואמר לו "זה יתנו" – and He said to him, "This shall they give," which means כזה יתנו – They shall give a coin like this one. The Tiklin Chadtin explains that by showing Moshe a particular coin as the one that must be used for the half-shekel, Hashem indicated that the half-shekel may never be even the slightest bit smaller than the one that existed in Moshe’s time. Since silver coins are prone to loss, because of wear, this represents a command to always add a small amount to the half-shekel, to ensure it is equal in weight to the coin that Hashem showed Moshe.  

  • Not accepting donations for the Beis HaMikdosh from idolaters

The Mishnah stated that idolaters may not participate in the building and upkeep of the Beis Hamikdash. The Gemara brings a machlokes Amoraim regarding this. Rebbe Yochanan said, בתחילה – In the beginning (i.e. when the Beis Hamikdash is built), אין מקבלים מהם לא דבר מסוים ולא דבר שאינו מסוים – we do not accept any donation from them, neither the donation of a distinctive object nor one that is not distinctive, such as money or objects which are not identifiable to them. The Tiklin Chadtin explains that the concern is that they will get a foothold in the effort, to eventually undermine it. When the Beis Hamikdash is built we do not accept a distinctive object. This degrades the Beis Hamikdash and gives the idolater an opportunity to boast that it was they who built the Beis Hamikdash. Rebbe Shimon ben Lakish says, whether in the beginning or at the end, we do not accept any donation from them, as the passuk states, לא לכם ולנו לבנות בית אלקינו – it is not for you and us to build a house for our G-d. He understands the passuk to be banning their participation, even during maintenance of the Beis Hamikdash.