Siman - Pesachim Daf 119

  • The Treasure Yosef Amassed in Mitzrayim

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Shmuel, כל כסף וזהב שבעולם יוסף לקטו והביאו למצרים – Yosef gathered all the silver and gold in the world and brought it to Mitzrayim as it is stated, וילקט יוסף את כל הכסף הנמצא – And Yosef gathered all the money that was found in the land of Mitzrayim and Canaan. From where do I know that he gathered money that was in other lands as well? The Torah states: וכל הארץ באו מצרימה – And all the people of the earth came to Mitzrayim to Yosef to buy provisions. And when bnei Yisroel went up from Mitzrayim they took all the money with them, at is it stated, וינצלו את מצרים – And they emptied Mitzrayim. The money remained in Eretz Yisroel until the reign of King Rechavam. Thereafter, it was repeatedly taken from the Jewish people by other nations and then recaptured by them until it was taken in succession by the Chaldeans, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans, and it still remains in Rome.

  • Reciting Bircas HaMazon at the Feast for Tzadikim

Rav Avira expounded, sometimes in the name of Rav Ami and sometimes in the name of Rav Assi, what is the meaning of that which is written, ויגדל הילד ויגמל – And the child, (Yitzchak) grew and was weaned, and Avraham made a great feast on the day Yitzhak was weaned. עתיד הקדוש ברוך הוא לעשות סעודה לצדיקים – In the future HaKadosh Baruch Hu will make a feast for the tzadikim, ביום שיגמל חסדו לזרעו של יצחק – on the day that He bestows His kindness upon the progeny of Yitzchak. At that time, after they eat and drink, they will give the cos shel berachah to Avraham Avinu to recite Bircas HaMazon and he will say that he cannot recite the berachah for Yishmael issued from him. The cup will then be offered to Yitzhak, Yaakov, Moshe, and Yehoshua, each one saying that they cannot recite the berachah for different disqualifying reasons. Dovid will say to them, אני אברך ולי נאה לברך – I shall recite Bircas HaMazon and it is fitting for me to recite it, as it says in the passuk, כוס ישועות אשא ובשם ה' אקרא – I shall raise the cup of salvations, and the name of Hashem I will invoke. The Maharsha explains that since Dovid built Yerushalayim and his son Shlomo built the Beis Hamikdash, he was qualified to thank Hashem for the major themes of Bircas HaMazon such as the bris milah, the Torah, Eretz Yisroel, Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash.

  • Akifomen

The next Mishnah states, אין מפטירין אחר הפסח אפיקומן – We may not conclude the seder meal, after eating the pesach offering, with afikomen. Rav said this means, שלא יעקרו מחבורה לחבורה – that after eating the pesach, [people] should not uproot themselves from their group to go join another group. The Rashbam explains that according to Rav, the word אפיקומן is a contraction of the words, אפיקו מנייכו, take out your (eating) utensils from here so we can go and eat somewhere else. Since, according to Rebbe Yehudah, the pesach cannot be eaten in two places, the Rabbanon prevented the eating of any food in another place, lest someone take along some of the pesach meat and eat it in the second place as well. According to Rav, if one remains in his original place, he may eat other foods as well. Shmuel says it means that after the pesach, one should not eat deserts, which were called אפיקומן, a contraction of אפיקו מיני – bring out a variety of sweets. The Rashbam explains that since kodshim should be eaten in the manner of kings, who do not ravenously, the pesach should be eaten late in the meal when one is no longer hungry. Eating after the pesach would suggest that one is still hungry. Tosafos say the reason is that the taste of the mitzvah should remain in our mouths.