Siman - Pesachim Daf 112

  • עשה שבתך חול ואל תצטרך לבריות

The Mishnah taught that even a pauper who is supported from the charity platter must fulfill the mitzvah to drink four cups of wine. The Gemara explains the lesson of the Mishnah:אפילו לר''ע דאמר עשה שבתך חול ואל תצטרך לבריות – Even according to Rebbe Akiva, who says: Make your Shabbos like a weekday and do not be dependent on [other] people, הכא משום פרסומי ניסא מודי – here, because of publicizing the miracle, he agrees. In other words, even though Rebbe Akiva maintains that one should not accept charity in order to honor Shabbos, one should do so in order to drink four cups of wine at the seder and thereby publicize the miracle of Yetzias Mitzrayim.

A Baraisa taught in the yeshivah of Eliyahu says that, even according to Rebbe Akiva,עושה הוא דבר מועט בתוך ביתו – one should make something small in his house in honor of Shabbos. The Baraisa supports this from Rebbe Yehudah ben Teima’s statement:הוי עז כנמר וקל כנשר רץ כצבי וגבור כארי לעשות רצון אביך שבשמים – Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion to do the will of your Father in Heaven. Rashbam explains that we see from this that one should exert himself beyond his capabilities in order to perform mitzvos.

  • Teach a son from a sefer free of mistakes

The above quote from Rebbe Akiva was one of several things he told his son, Rebbe Yehoshua. This leads the Gemara to cite lists of instructions that Sages gave their sons or talmidim. In this context, the Gemara cites a conversation that took place between Rebbe Akiva and Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai when the former was in prison. When Rebbe Shimon insisted that Rebbe Akiva teach him Torah, Rebbe Akiva told him: בני יותר ממה שהעגל רוצה לינק פרה רוצה להניק – My son, more than the calf wants to suckle, the cow wishes to nurse! Rashbam explains that, despite his deep desire to teach Rebbe Shimon Torah, Rebbe Akiva did not want to endanger him by doing so.

Rebbe Akiva then told Rebbe Shimon five pieces of advice, one of which was: וכשאתה מלמד את בנך למדהו בספר מוגה – And when you teach your son, teach him with a sefer that has been corrected and is therefore free of mistakes. Rava, and some say Rav Mesharshiya, explained that specifically בחדתא – when [teaching] new material, it is imperative that one use a book that is free of mistakes because שבשתא כיון דעל על – once a mistake enters [a child’s mind] it enters and is hard to correct.

  • Walking Alone on Tuesday Nights and Friday Nights

A Baraisa teaches: לא יצא יחידי בלילה לא בלילי רביעיות ולא בלילי שבתות – One should not go out alone at night on Tuesday nights or on Friday nights, – because Agras bas Machlas (a female demon) and eighteen myriads of destructive angels go out then. The Gemara explains that these were prevalent every night until Agras bas Machlas encountered Rebbe Chanina ben Dosa. She told him: אי לאו דמכרזן עלך ברקיע הזהרו בחנינא ובתורתו סכנתיך – If not for the fact that they announce in Heaven, “Beware of Chanina and his Torah,” I would have endangered you. He told her: אי חשיבנא ברקיע גוזר אני עליך שלא תעבורי ביישוב לעולם – If I am held in esteem in Heaven, then I decree upon you that you never pass through populated areas again! When she begged him to reconsider, he allowed her to go out on Tuesday nights when villagers do not need to travel to the city the night before for Torah readings or travel home the next day, and Friday nights when people are not permitted to travel.