Hallelukah 1-8

ימלך ה' לעולם, א-לקיך ציון, לדר ודר, הללוי-ה

Hashem shall reign forever – your G-d, O Zion – from generation to generation.  Hallelukah!


There can be multiple meanings for this pasuk, which is very similar to the pasuk found at the end of the Shirah and at the end of Aleinu. We present the two meanings that are found in Praise, My Soul! (by HaRav Avigdor Miller zt”l).

The first meaning is that of a statement that is an appropriate ending to this chapter in T’hilim. This entire perek is filled with p’sukim that can strengthen our bitachon. We conclude by stating that Hashem will reign forever. This is a continuation and conclusion of “Ashrei she’Keil Yaakov b’ezro...” because our trust and reliance on Hashem is justified, since He alone lives and reigns forever.

The second meaning defines this pasuk as a tefilah rather than as a statement. We are davening that Hashem should be recognized as the King by the entire world forever. This meaning, as well, is a fitting conclusion. We who rely and trust in Hashem now, love Hashem, and therefore desire that all of mankind should recognize Him.

א-לקיך ציון (Elokayich Tzion) continues the theme previously mentioned of how Hashem loves us now and forever, and associates His Name with us and with His dwelling place of Yerushalayim.

Rav Shimon Schwab, in his seferRav Schwab on Prayer (ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications) writes that this first Hallelukah, of the Nefesh, speaks of the period immediately before the coming of Mashiach.

We were redeemed from Mitzrayim due to our bitachon, and we will be redeemed again – for the final time, may it be speedily in our days – because of bitachon. This perek has the potential to deliver a daily infusion to enable us to penetrate our total reliance on Hashem, deeper and deeper into our hearts.

The following is a brief summary of this perek, focusing on one crucially important message of bitachon consistently throughout:

Let my nefesh praise Hashem. I will praise Hashem, the Master of all, by living my life in such a way that my life is truly a praise for Him. I will sing to my G-d Who is involved in every aspect of my life, through my trust in Him even “בעודי–b’odi” – when life is painful, difficult, and challenging. (Note this explanation is different from the one presented in Hallelukah 1 – 1. Both are true and valid.) Do not trust even the most generous, most powerful, wealthiest, human being, because he cannot be your salvation, since he cannot even save himself. Ultimately, all of man returns to the earth and his plans are lost. Salvation can come only from Hashem. Fortunate and happy are those who place their hope only in Hashem, their (personal) G-d, because the G-d of powerful compassion of Yaakov (whose life was filled with pain, challenge, and difficulty) is the (only) One who will be the true cause of help received. Since Hashem is constantly recreating the heavens, the earth, the seas, and all creations contained in all of them, and since He is the only One Who is forever, only He can be relied upon. Hashem gives sight to the blind, Hashem straightens the bent, Hashem loves the righteous (B’nei Yisrael). Hashem protects strangers; orphan and widow (all downtrodden who turn exclusively to Hashem) He encourages, but the way of the wicked He contorts.

May the entire world recognize and proclaim Hashem, the G-d of B’nei Yisrael and Tzion, as King forever.