2,043. Multiple Occurrences of the Same Offense

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:12

If a person is intimate with one of the prohibited relationships multiple times, he is liable for kareis or execution for each occurrence. Even though the court can only execute a person one time, the separate incidents are each considered a different offense. Similarly, if one is liable for several different sins for a single act of intimacy, if he violated unwittingly, he must bring an offering for each sin that he committed even though it was a single act; this will be explained IY”H in Hilchos Shegagos. If he violated intentionally, it is considered as if he committed multiple sins. Similarly, there’s a case where one engages in a single act of intimacy and is liable for multiple sets of lashes; this will be explained (in chapter 17).

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:13

A “shifcha charufa” in the Torah refers to a woman who is half Canaanite servant and half free, who has been betrothed by a Jewish servant. As per Leviticus 19:20, “They will not die (for adultery) because she wasn’t free.” If she was completely free, then one would be liable to execution because she would be a married woman in every sense as was discussed in Hilchos Ishus.