2,042. Where Stoning Takes Place

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:10

If witnesses testify about a woman after she reaches the age of majority or after her husband is intimate with her, she is stoned to death in the place of stoning. This is so even if the witnesses testify that she committed adultery while living in her father’s home and still a naarah.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:11

If a woman was conceived before her mother’s conversion and born after, she is stoned at the entrance to the city gate. If a city has a majority of non-Jewish residents, then a woman who would be stoned at the entrance to the city gate is stoned at the entrance to the court. If a woman who would be stoned at the entrance to her father’s home doesn’t have a father, or if she has a father but he doesn’t have a house, then she is stoned at the place of stoning. This is because entrance to her father’s home is just a mitzvah (i.e., inability to include this detail is not a deal-breaker).