2,041. A Betrothed Naarah with Charges Against Her

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:8

An additional law applies to one who issues a report against his bride’s virginity: if the complaint is found to be true and witnesses testify that she committed adultery while still a betrothed naarah, even if she committed adultery after leaving her father’s home, and even if she committed adultery after she entering the chuppah but before consummating her marriage, then she is stoned to death at the entrance to her father’s home. Other betrothed maidens about whom such reports were not issued are executed by strangulation if they committed adultery after leaving their fathers’ homes, as has been discussed. There are therefore three forms of execution administered for adultery with a married woman: strangulation, burning and stoning.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:9

If a betrothed naarah committed adultery while still living in her fathers’ house, then even if the witnesses didn’t testify until after she traveled to her father-in-law’s home and got married, she is nevertheless stoned at the entrance to her father’s home. If she committed adultery while living in her father-in-law’s home before her father delivered her to the groom, then she is stoned at the entrance to the city gate, even if the witnesses testified after she returned to her father’s home.