2,039. A Betrothed Naarah

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:4

If a man has relations with a betrothed naarah (i.e., a girl between the ages of 12 and 12½), they are both executed by stoning. They are only liable to stoning if the girl is a virgin, betrothed and still living in her father’s home. If she reached adulthood or finalized her marriage – even if she did not yet consummate it – then the offenders are executed by strangulation. This is so even if the girl’s father gave her to the husband’s agents and she committed adultery on the way to him.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:5

If a man has relations with a betrothed minor living in her father’s house, he is executed by stoning and she isn’t liable. If a betrothed naarah who also is the daughter of a kohein commits adultery, she is executed by stoned.