2,038. The Daughter of a Kohein

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:2

If a man is intimate with a minor who is the wife of an adult, the following rules apply: If the girl was betrothed by her father, he is executed by strangulation and she isn’t liable for anything. She is, however, prohibited to her husband as was discussed in the laws of the sotah. If the girl is able to dissolve her marriage through miun (refusal), then the adulterer is given lashes for acting rebelliously and the girl remains permitted to her husband even if he’s a kohein.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 3:3

If the daughter of a kohein commits adultery while she’s married, she is executed by burning as per Leviticus 21:9. “If the daughter of a man who is a kohein profanes herself by acting promiscuously….” This law applies regardless of whether her husband is a kohein or a Yisroel, or even if her husband was a mamzer (i.e., the product of a prohibited relationship) or a Gibeonite (see Joshua chapter 9) or another person whom one is not allowed to marry based on a negative commandment. The man who was intimate with her, however, is executed by strangulation. If the daughter of a Yisroel married to a kohein commits adultery, she is executed by strangulation like any other married woman.